avocados (c) Hitoshi Namura unsplash

Fruit Colors and Shapes


Avocado Colors

various colors of avocados

The avocado comes in a variety of colors, some of which are depicted here. As the avocado matures, the color will often change in a way characteristic of that variety. Other varieties remain the same color when immature or mature. Below are some typical colors found in avocados.



Avocado Shapes

The avocado comes in a variety of shapes, some of which are depicted here.

Fruit shapes:

  1.   Oblate
  2.   Spheriod
  3.   High spheriod
  4.   Ellipsoid
  5.   Narrowly obovate
  6.   Obovate
  7.   Pyriform
  8.   Clavate
  9.   Rhomboidal
  10.   Other





various avocado shapes
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